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July-December 2022


P.O.Box 390 Edenton, NC 27932

Office 482-4057







Your Post 40 has had an eventful year that comes to an end on June 30.  July 1st starts the 2022-2023 Legion year and Post 40 will be led by:

-Meets 1st Tuesday at 6:30 PM

Commander Maureen Sobulefsky

1st Vice Commander Laurie Buckhout

2ns Vice Commander Anita Mason

Finance Officer Martin Summann

Adjutant George Lawrence

Service officer Annette James

Chaplain Roscoe Poole

Judge Advocate Tony Shaffer

Historian bob Oliveria


Executive Committee Members

-Meets last Tuesday at 6:30 PM

Commander Sobulefsky

Finance Officer Summann

Adjutant Lawrence

Passed Commander Gerry DiNunzio

Members at Large:

Anita Mason (1 year)

Gerry Sobulefsky (2 years)

Reggie Hempeck (3 years)

The Post 40 June 7th meeting will be a joint meeting with Auxiliary Unit 40 for the purpose of installation of Officers.  Post 40 will provide the entree.  The rest is up to members to provide a covered dish to share with your fellow members.  All incoming officers are encouraged to be present for installation.

The Post 40 Executive Committee meets the last Tuesday of the month at 6:30PM.  The meeting is open to all Post members.  If you wish to address the Committee you should notify commander Sobulefsky in advance by either telephone or email, 203-218-7214 or



Post 40 is completing the 21/22 year with 280+ members.  We are NOT 100%!  We have 20+ who have not renewed.  We have signed up 7 new members and transferred in 20+ from mostly Post 1981, new members to the Legion through a National campaign.  Most of the transfers will not count towards Post 40 Membership until they have renewed for the 2022 - 2023 Legion year.  You will receive your first renewal notice hopefully the first week in July.  There is a $5 dues increase for 22/23 making annual Post 40 dues $40.00.  As your out going Adjutant, I speak from 40 years experience, working membership is a task, especially when having to send letters to late paying members.

Make the task a lot more fun for the incoming membership committee. RENEW early, be an EARLY BIRD.

Post 40 goal for 22/23 will be 290+.  Invite your friends and family members that have been in the US Military to join with you at YOUR Post 40.



Post 40's concession trailer is back in business now that out door events are happening.  We just participated in Boogie on Broad and scheduled to participate in the Optimist Club July 4h Independence Day Celebrating at the water front in Edenton. Volunteers are needed as this is an all day event.  Need to work in shifts.



Commander Sobulefsky prepares and distributes a "Post 40 Happenings" every Monday.  If you are not receiving the email, there are 2 reasons: your email address is incorrect or she does not have your email.  In either case, send her your correct email and she will add you to the email list.  Her email is



Your clubroom is open Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 2:30 to 5:30 PM and other times for special events.  Refer to "Post 40 Happenings" for current information about clubroom events.  Come on out for relaxation, to visit with friends and make new friends.  There is a need for additional volunteer bar tenders.



Post 40 bingo is Monday nights.  Doors open at 6:00 PM, Early bird specials begin at 7:00 PM and Regular Bingo begins at 7:30 PM.  There is a need for volunteers for all positions; Caller, Floor workers, Check Writer.  The asking is for just one Monday night a month.  with enough volunteers we can reach that goal.  Also, need more players.  Come out for a evening of fun, relaxation and maybe leave with more money than what you started with.  Invite your friends to join you at Post 40 bingo.



The American Legion Baseball Season starts last week in May and goes through 1st week in July.  After that playoffs begin.  Home games are played at Hicks Field.  You are encouraged to support the Post 40 team.  As soon as we get it, the schedule will be added to "Post 40 Happenings.  We also support the Steamers by providing occasional concessions cook teams.  The date and need for volunteers will be in "Post 40 Happenings".



This is a reminder of Post 40 policy for rental of Post 40 facilities by Post 40, Unit 40 and Squadron 40 members.

A benefit of Post 40, Unit 40 and Squadron 40 is to be able to rent a Post 40 facility for a personal immediate family function at a reduced rate.

The member signing the contract is considered to be the sponsor of the family event and will be present and will be the responsible person for the actions of guest, and that the conditions of the contract are adhered to.

It is expected that if a catered meal is to be served, Post 40 will be given the opportunity to quote a price for the desired menu.  If Post 40 is not offered such an opportunity, the rental fee will be the regular rate for non-members.

When event is over it is not completed until building and adjacent grounds are cleaned.  Your new Keeper of the calendar is Anita Mason.

When renting and you have agreed to the rental conditions it does not go in the calendar until the $300 security deposit has been paid.

Personal family functions are birthdays, weddings, family reunions, funerals, etc.

Renting for non-member relatives and non family events at member's reduced rate is not allowed. 


This is a reason for you

to encourage family members

to join the

Post 40 American Legion family.


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